

As a Registered Childminder, I aim to take a professional approach to confidentiality.


I will not share confidential or sensitive information about children or their families without permission of the family.


I will only break this rule in the interest of protecting a child, when I would seek advice from the appropriate professionals.


I will not use any photographs of the minded children other than for my own album or for inclusion in my portfolio. The children’s names will not be used in the portfolio. No photographs will be taken without signed parental consent.

                Use of Mobile Telephones and Cameras


The use of mobile phones or cameras by parents or visitors is prohibited in the presence of children at the setting.  This is to prevent unauthorised photographs, videos and recordings being taken.  Staff at the setting are not authorised to take photographs, videos or audible recordings on any equipment except that belonging to the Childminder and with authorisation from the Childminder in line with the Data Protection policy and parental permissions in place for each child