house rules

House Rules Little Blossoms Childminding

(These form part of the Behaviour policy)


  1. 1.    All children will treat each other and other people with respect, what ever their race, religion, class, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation.


  1. There will be no shouting, fighting (play or real), wrestling, biting, pushing, swearing, spitting, smacking or name calling.


  1. Kicking of balls and the throwing of any objects is not allowed in the house.


  1. Children will sit down when eating and drinking and will wait for others to finish before leaving the table.


  1. Toys will be put away before meal times, and at the end of the day.


  1. The kitchen is out of bounds.


  1. Children will be polite and use “please” and “thank you” as appropriate for the situation and their age and stage of development.


  1. There will be no climbing, standing or jumping on any of my furniture. I expect the children to treat the toys, equipment and furniture with care, and to respect other people’s property and equipment too. If any child willfully damages any toys, equipment, or furniture, I reserve the right to ask the parent/carer to pay for repair or replacement of the item.


  1. Children will not play in the bathroom or go into the bathroom when it is being used by another person.


11. Children will use their own towel and flannel.